Art: According to your website ( your sister was born at Madison Square Garden during a Rangers playoff game. Were you there? If so, what do you remember of what happend?
Jay: No, I wasn’t actually at the game, but I was listening on the radio (at that time home games were not televised) and heard the announcement in the background. I was immediately able to figure it out. The game was against Buffalo and Don Murdoch scored the winning goal.
Art: What was it like working with Herb Brooks?
Jay: Herb was a tremendous mentor to me any many others. At the time I met Herb, it was early in his tenure with the New York Rangers. I had worked for Roger Neilson and had done a lot of video work for the teams he had coached even when I was in high school. Herb wasn’t that into video, but being in school I was always somewhat behind in the season and herb used to come in and sit for hours and look at games from earlier in the year. It was a tremendous education as he grasped on to so much of what was happening in a game; I also got the understanding of his passion to win. In turn, I think he gained greater appreciation for video analyis. Later, Herb referred me to the agency that represented him and I started with Athletes and Artists in 1985 and then I had the chance to represent Herb in contract negotiations and endorsements. It was early in my career and it was a great experience as Herb had a great understanding of the psyche and he was even coaching me while I was working for him!
Art: Take us a through a day in the life of the president of a successful sports management company.
Jay: Sports representation in general is a pretty demanding business. Of course, our year is cyclical with the playing season. During the year, the players work 7 days a week and we have to be available to them at most all times. Of course, we are constantly providing a variety of srevices and guidance whether it be for upcoming negotiations, legal and financial work, tax counsel and prepartion, promotional endorsements and the day to day issues that come up in the lives of exceptionally talented players who need our help in many different areas.
To read the rest of the interview with Jay Grossman click here.