A Vili Good Christmas Story

By Jason Pearson, griffinshockey.com Ask a professional hockey player how long they believed in Santa Claus as a kid and the array of potential reactions is endless: a valid answer, a sideways stare, or anything in between. Ask Vili Saarijarvi, the Red Wings’ third-round draft pick in 2015, and he supplies a grinning reply. “I still believe,”

NHL’s speedy possession game forging a revolution on the blue line

Photo: Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images BY JEREMY FUCHS Posted: Tue Jul. 28, 2015 When Stars defenseman John Klingberg was learning to play hockey as a boy in Sweden, one thing stood out. He was always the smallest kid on the ice. Rather than give up on his dream of playing professionally before it even started to take root, Klingberg had to adapt. “I had